Acting and Performing – Short Course

CoCreate is pleased to be able to offer an 8 week course in skills for Acting and Performing, with existing members of our performing theatre group.

Volunteer Performers Rehearsing for “Did Not Attend”

We have a small but core group of volunteer performers, who are keen to develop their skills as actors and performers. We were recently awarded some funding to say thank you for a project, and we’re using this to provide 8 weeks of skills development, we’d like to open our group to other people with similar lived experience who’re interested in being part of a performing theatre group.

This course may lead to an opportunity to join us as a volunteer-performer and work with the performing theatre group regularly on developing new shows.

No previous acting or drama experience is required, but we do ask that you consider carefully if you can commit to joining a group on a regular basis, and have an interest in performing you’d like to develop.

If you are unsure if this is the right group for you, please contact us for a chat. You’re welcome to join and see how you get along for a few weeks.

We recently created and performed “Did Not Attend” a forum theatre show, we are now focusing on a term of learning and improving our acting skills and knowledge, before we think about developing a new show in the Autumn/Winter.

Our volunteer performers, have also taken part in Broken and Golden (Extraordinary Bodies in partnership) as well as SALT community play.  We have a real interest in devising and improvisation. 

This opportunity is open to people who identify as in recovery from mental illness, and/or feel that taking part in a regular creative activity would support and maintain their mental health and wellbeing.

Sign Up here using our online form

There are limited places available, places for this course will be offered on a first come, first served basis to people who have the intent and ability to commit to all or most sessions (we recognise that sometimes things can change).

CoCreate work inclusively, there is space to tell us more about any access needs on the sign up form, or get in touch to talk about what you need to do your best work.